Scientific journals
- Krajcarz M., Van Neer W., Krajcarz M.T., Popović D., Baca M., De Cupere B., Goffette Q., Küchelmann H.C., Gręzak A., Iwaszczuk U., Ottoni C., Van de Vijver K., Wilczyński J., Mulczyk A., Wiejacki J., Makowiecki D., Bocherens H. 2022. Stable isotopes unveil one millennium of domestic cat paleoecology in Europe. Scientific Reports 12: 12775.
- Krajcarz M.T., Szymanek M., Krajcarz M., Pereswiet-Soltan A., Alexandrowicz W.P., Sudoł-Procyk M. 2020. Shelter in Smoleń III – a unique example of stratified Holocene clastic cave sediments in Central Europe, a lithostratigraphic stratotype and a record of regional paleoecology. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0228546.
- Krajcarz M., Krajcarz M.T., Baca M., Baumann C., Van Neer W., Popović D., Sudoł-Procyk M., Wach B., Wilczyński J., Wojenka M., Bocherens H. 2020. Ancestors of domestic cats in Neolithic Central Europe: Isotopic evidence of a synanthropic diet. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (30) 17710-17719.
- Krajcarz M.T., Krajcarz M., Drucker D.G., Bocherens H. 2019. Prey‐to‐fox isotopic enrichment of 34S in bone collagen: Implications for paleoecological studies. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33: 1311–1317.
Conference abstracts
- Krajcarz M, Krajcarz MT, Popović D, Baca M, Makowiecki D, Wiejacki J, Bocherens H 2019. The Nubian cat (Felis silvestris lybica) in Neolithic Poland – identification, chronology and synanthropic behavior. ICAZ AGPM Working Group, 17-18.10.2019, Paris, France
- Krajcarz MT, Krajcarz M, Popović D, Baca M, Makowiecki D, Wiejacki J, Bocherens H. 2019. Ekologia najwcześniejszych kotów domowych w Polsce w świetle danych izotopowych. 4. Warsztaty „Zróżnicowanie gatunkowe i genetyczne fauny plejstocenu i holocenu w Eurazji”. 14-15.05.2019, Stronie Śl., Polska
- Makowiecki D., Krajcarz M., Osipowicz G. 2021. Animals as the base of subsistence strategies of Únětice culture in the context of zooarchaeological data from Central Europe. 27th EAA Annual Meeting, 08-11.09.2021, Kiel, Germany
- Krajcarz M., Wiejacka M. 2022. Fossil and subfossil vertebrate fauna of Udorka Valley. Valleys of Prehistory, 20-24.06.2022, Jabron Valley, France
- Krajcarz M., Krajcarz M.T., Bocherens H. 2022. Isotope paleoecology of Late Pleistocene and Holocene fauna of Udorka Valley. Valleys of Prehistory, 20-24.06.2022, Jabron Valley, France
- Krajcarz MT, Krajcarz M, Makowiecki D, Van Neer W 2023. Dietary strategies in medieval urban cat populations through bone collagen C, N, S stable isotopes. ICAZ SIZWG, Berlin, Germany, 22-25.03.2023
- Krajcarz MT, Krajcarz M, Baumann C, Wilczyński J, Sudoł-Procyk M 2023. Isotopic paleoecology of mesocarnivorans in Polish Jura during the Holocene – the history of adaptation caused by anthropopressure. 29th EAA Annual Meeting, 30.08-02.09.2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Krajcarz MT, Krajcarz M, Baumann C, Wilczyński J, Sudoł-Procyk M 2023. Millennia-long human-wildlife co-existence recorded in mesocarnivoran isotopic signal. 10th Symposium of the ISBA, 13-16.09.2023, Tartu, Estonia
Popular Science
- TheScienceBreaker: "How did wild cats turn into our beloved domestic animals?"